OVH Community, votre nouvel espace communautaire.

probleme smtp envoi de mail

19/11/2007, 16h37
maintenant il m'envoi les mails (que sur des adresses dont le domaine n'est pas mais je ne les recoit pas que se soit pas methode mail(), sendmail, smtp !!!!!!

@400000004741b52615147df4 CHKUSER rejected rcpt: from  remote  rcpt  : not existing recipient
@400000004741b67a1cd3342c CHKUSER accepted rcpt: from  remote  rcpt  : found existing recipient
@400000004741b73e12194724 CHKUSER accepted rcpt: from  remote  rcpt  : found existing recipient

19/11/2007, 16h26
voila les logs de qmailsmtp :
@4000000047418835295a1cec CHKUSER rejected rcpt: from  remote  rcpt  : not existing recipient
@4000000047418b961e9e4f6c CHKUSER rejected rcpt: from  remote  rcpt  : not existing recipient
@4000000047418ba210e86c2c CHKUSER rejected rcpt: from  remote  rcpt  : not existing recipient
@4000000047418c5732e2737c CHKUSER rejected rcpt: from  remote  rcpt  : not existing recipient
@400000004741925d1ba3a154 CHKUSER rejected rcpt: from  remote  rcpt  : not existing recipient
@400000004741986601d7949c qmail-smtpd: pid 29803 from Non-existing DNS_MX: MAIL FROM: 
@4000000047419eaf147a5cec qmail-smtpd: pid 28546 from Non-existing DNS_MX: MAIL FROM:
@4000000047419f24062c3534 CHKUSER accepted rcpt: from  remote  rcpt  : found existing recipient
@400000004741a7c815147624 CHKUSER rejected rcpt: from  remote  rcpt  : not existing recipient
@400000004741a850228695bc qmail-smtpd: pid 15588 from Non-existing DNS_MX: MAIL FROM: 

19/11/2007, 16h11
Euh, question bête... ton serveur de messagerie utilise-t-il l'authentification des émetteurs ?
Est-ce qu'il ne faudrait pas plutôt utiliser postmaster sans @ ?
Que disent tes logs coté serveur de mails ?

19/11/2007, 15h31

Je viens d'installer mantis bug tracker sur mon server ovh

lorsque j'essai d'envoyer un mail avec phpmailer sa me dis que le mail est parti mais je ne recois rien !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

voila le code:
	# Mantis Email Settings

	# --- email variables -------------
	$g_administrator_email	= '';
	$g_webmaster_email		= '';

	# the 'From: ' field in emails
	$g_from_email			= '';

	# the return address for bounced mail
	$g_return_path_email	= '';

	# allow email notification
	#  note that if this is disabled, sign-up and password reset messages will
	#  not be sent.
	$g_enable_email_notification	= ON;

	# The following two config options allow you to control who should get email
	# notifications on different actions/statuses.  The first option (default_notify_flags)
	# sets the default values for different user categories.  The user categories
	# are:
	#      'reporter': the reporter of the bug
	#       'handler': the handler of the bug
	#       'monitor': users who are monitoring a bug
	#      'bugnotes': users who have added a bugnote to the bug
	# 'threshold_max': all users with access <= max
	# 'threshold_min': ..and with access >= min
	# The second config option (notify_flags) sets overrides for specific actions/statuses.
	# If a user category is not listed for an action, the default from the config
	# option above is used.  The possible actions are:
	#             'new': a new bug has been added
 	#           'owner': a bug has been assigned to a new owner
	#        'reopened': a bug has been reopened
 	#         'deleted': a bug has been deleted
	#         'updated': a bug has been updated
	#         'bugnote': a bugnote has been added to a bug
	#         'sponsor': sponsorship has changed on this bug
	#        'relation': a relationship has changed on this bug
	#        '': eg: 'resolved', 'closed', 'feedback', 'acknowledged', ...etc.
	#                     this list corresponds to $g_status_enum_string

	# If you wanted to have all developers get notified of new bugs you might add
	# the following lines to your config file:
	# $g_notify_flags['new']['threshold_min'] = DEVELOPER;
	# $g_notify_flags['new']['threshold_max'] = DEVELOPER;
	# You might want to do something similar so all managers are notified when a
	# bug is closed.  If you didn't want reporters to be notified when a bug is
	# closed (only when it is resolved) you would use:
	# $g_notify_flags['closed']['reporter'] = OFF;

	$g_default_notify_flags	= array('reporter'	=> ON,
									'handler'	=> ON,
									'monitor'	=> ON,
									'bugnotes'	=> ON,
									'threshold_min'	=> NOBODY,
									'threshold_max' => NOBODY);

	# We don't need to send these notifications on new bugs
	# (see above for info on this config option)
	#@@@ (though I'm not sure they need to be turned off anymore
	#      - there just won't be anyone in those categories)
	#      I guess it serves as an example and a placeholder for this
	#      config option
	$g_notify_flags['new']	= array('bugnotes'	=> ON,
									'monitor'	=> ON);

	# Whether user's should receive emails for their own actions
	$g_email_receive_own	= ON;

	# set to OFF to disable email check
	$g_validate_email		= ON;
	$g_check_mx_record		= ON;	# Not supported under Windows.

	# if ON, allow the user to omit an email field
	# note if you allow users to create their own accounts, they
	#  must specify an email at that point, no matter what the value
	#  of this option is.  Otherwise they wouldn't get their passwords.
	$g_allow_blank_email	= OFF;

	# Only allow and send email to addresses in the given domain
	# For example:
	# $g_limit_email_domain		= '';
	$g_limit_email_domain	= OFF;

	# This specifies the access level that is needed to get the mailto: links.
	$g_show_user_email_threshold = NOBODY;

	# If use_x_priority is set to ON, what should the value be?
	# Urgent = 1, Not Urgent = 5, Disable = 0
	# Note: some MTAs interpret X-Priority = 0 to mean 'Very Urgent'
	$g_mail_priority		= 1;

	# select the method to mail by:
	# 0 - mail()
	# 1 - sendmail
	# 2 - SMTP
	$g_phpMailer_method		= 2;

	# This option allows you to use a remote SMTP host.  Must use the phpMailer script
	# Name of smtp host, needed for phpMailer, taken from php.ini
	$g_smtp_host			= '';

	# These options allow you to use SMTP Authentication when you use a remote
	# SMTP host with phpMailer.  If smtp_username is not '' then the username
	# and password will be used when logging in to the SMTP server.
	$g_smtp_username = '';
	$g_smtp_password = '********';

	# Specify whether e-mails should be sent with the category set or not.  This is tested
	# with Microsoft Outlook.  More testing for this feature + other formats will be added
	# in the future.
	# OFF, EMAIL_CATEGORY_PROJECT_CATEGORY (format: [Project] Category)
	$g_email_set_category		= OFF;

	# --- email separator and padding ------------
	$g_email_separator1		= str_pad('', 70, '=');
	$g_email_separator2		= str_pad('', 70, '-');
	$g_email_padding_length	= 28;
et lorsque je veux envoyer le mail sa me dis sa :

Mailer Error: SMTP Error: The following recipients failed:

je ne comprend pas si par exemple je mes des C*******
aux variables :
$g_smtp_username, $g_smtp_password

sa me mets la meme erreur
